Return Policy | 退換貨政策
We aim to provide you satisfaction and enjoyment when you shop with us. However, in case you would like to return an item, the following is the return policy:
- The item can be returned to us within 7 days from the day you receive the item if it's damaged during delivery.
- The item to be returned must be kept in its original packing without any damage and scratch. An item that does not meet the above conditions is not eligible for a return.
- Contact us via email with the subject of "Apply for Refund" and tell us what’s wrong with the product. In email, please provide...
- Order Date
- Order Number
- Reason
- Condition
- Customer Service will contact you shortly through email.
- Full refund except the shipping charges will be provided after item is returned to, received and reviewed by us.
- 如貨品在運送途中被破壞,所有貨品可於收到後七天內退還。
- 所有退還貨品必須保留原來包裝,並且沒有任何損壞和刮痕,方能退還。
- 請先通過電子郵件的方式聯絡我們 (標題請註為"申請退貨"),電郵內提供...
- 訂購日期
- 訂購號碼
- 原因
- 情況
- 客戶服務部會馬上跟閣下聯絡,作出退貨安排。
- 當我們收取及檢查退貨後,會提供退款。